Thursday, June 26, 2014

industryLIFE: From Riches to Homeless: The Story of Phil

When I met him he was homeless, living in an abandon car. By the way that he spoke I could tell he hadn't been homeless his whole life. We met when I hired him to do some light chores around my house. A few weeks passed and things were working out. He was an immaculate house keeper! To my surprise one day I walked into the kitchen and he was singing a classic disco song that I loved. When I jokingly asked what he knew about that song he said, "Honey, I mixed that song in the 80s." Wait what did you say? So he repeated it. Of course I was intrigued how did this man who had the voice of a singing saint with music production credits become homeless?

The story goes that he was young and working with another producer whom became his lover. He and his lover were a team who worked with some of the bigger names of that time but wouldn't you know it, love had nothing to do with it. Phil as he was known around 4th Ward Atlanta, told me they guy was well versed in the business of music but he wasn't and that's where the drama came. Seems dude was making millions on the records they were producing and mixing but since Phil was only a hired hand, he was simply paid a flat fee for his work. His name was listed in the production credits of a few records but not knowing about that infamous points system had crippled him. Sure there were times where he would walk into the studio there would be checks waiting for him, some as high as $25,000 but not knowing that he should have received royalties for his work that money went to his lover.

After years of riding high in the music business it wasn't long before the lure of drugs came into play. Since it was the 80s and no one knew just how harmful crack cocaine was, he happily partied and continued to live the high life. Then one day he learned about the amounts of money that his lover was getting and that's when things hit the fan. He and his lover fought about the money but legally there was nothing he could do to regain the money that he had lost. He soon slipped further into the drug culture and found himself without money or a home. Although his life was what people considered rock bottom at this point, he told me had no regrets. He says he lived a good life, made some bad decisions but in order to move on, he had to just let it go.

Sadly a few years later we moved from that house and lost contact with Phil. As of this writing he is believed to still be living as a homeless man while the music he helped to create continues to play on the air waves. (Phil we love you and hope that you are okay where ever you are!)

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