Wednesday, November 16, 2011

industryLIFE: The Young, Restless & The Rappers

At the time, he was just an up and coming rapper but he and his click were making a lot of noise in the industry. While on a trip to to LA he met a young woman, a dancer. She was a beautiful girl, kinda in the "girl-next-door" sorta way and the two connected. The story goes that he mistook her for her sister, a choreographer responsible for quite a few music video routines. After the mistaken identity was cleared up, the rapper became quite smitten with the chick. There were trips and frequent calls between the two.

On one occasion, the Rapper did a show in Atlanta where baby girl lived, she and her crew were invited to the show. The chick and her crew were always trying to make moves in the business and tonight would be no exception so she accepted. Seems one of the chicks in the crew had heard that this guy was preparing to fund some films and she had some ideas she wanted to put in his ear. They decided that this would be the place to make the introduction and put the play into motion. Little did they know that nothing planned would happen. As time came to make it to the venue, one of the chicks in the crew decided she didn't wanna be VIP, she just wanted to see the show. This chick, whom some liked to call a weed head, had been home all day smoking and sipping wine without eating anything (bad combo!). Well as the day turned to night she was feeling great or so she thought. When they arrived, the venue was packed and dude had looked out for them. He got them in with no problems & backstage with no problems. But near the stage was another story. The AC stopped flowing like it should and the place became a sweat box.

As luck would have it, people were everywhere and the stage area was not the best place to be. The chick sensing this, decided to get to an exit ASAP and try to catch some air but as she walked, the place just started spinning. People's faces were jizz saw puzzles. She moved as fast as she could through the crowd. Just as she got close to the door, they announced that the Rapper was coming to the stage! Everybody else in the place began rushing towards the stage, pushing her back in the direction that she had just come from. She fought to get to an exit but just as she did, she felt her body falling backwards and out!!!!!  Now some people who witnessed this hot mess, say she would have busted her ass that night but just as she was falling another rapper whom some would describe as a "has been" saw the whole thing and caught her! The chick so dazed from smoking and drinking all day with no food on her stomach, passed out for a while. When she did open her eyes, there holding her head was a rapper from back in the day holding her head and asking, "Are you ok?" Embarrassed, confused and again a hot mess, she immediately recognized him and replied with, "Father, is that you?" (Father was apart of the performance name he used.) He laughed, said yes and asked someone to get her some water. Well the night went on and "Father" got the chick to her car. He stayed with her until her friends returned but needless to say "Father" and hot mess missed the show.

Now as baby girl was passed on the dance floor of the club, her friends were getting the VIP treatment backstage at the show...

Get your hands on a copy of Industry Life & Times ebook series to find out how this story ends.

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