Friday, June 15, 2012

industryLIFE: Review

It’s a book written about the entertainment industry with a bit of a twist.. While giving you the lessons and stories about the “Back Alley” deals, and the shadiness of the industry, the book takes time out between each chapter to explain to you the lessons that you should have learned and what you should do in those situations.

The stories are Primarily Atlanta Based, and written by a woman who spent the beginnings of her adult life in the industry, the book speaks on some Major Players in the Entertainment Game. And the Foreword is written by another Industry Insider and Entrepreneur, my friend C.F. Hutton, who took the time to edit the original version to include an incredible opportunity within its pages.  I won’t give away too much but you can check it out when you get your copy.

The book details the humble beginnings of the music industry in Atlanta..

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